What Is NaTech Risk?

The term “NaTech” is a contraction of “natural” and “technological”. It is commonly used to describe the impact that a natural disaster can have on an industrial facility, potentially leading to an accident. The consequences may affect people, property, or the environment.

A dramatic example of NaTech risk is the combination of the earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima, Japan, in 2011. However, more everyday risks, such as extreme heat due to climate change affecting industrial teams and equipment, also fall within the scope of safety management.

The Working Group

To address these emerging risks, Foncsi is currently forming a working group with its sponsors and partners.
A key priority will be the impact of “everyday” natural phenomena, whose intensity and frequency are increasing due to climate change.  

Particular focus will be placed on:

  • Deteriorating working conditions (health, safety, and quality of work life);
  • Safety practices and governance;
  • Economic performance, operations, production, and service supply (transportation, energy supply, etc.).

The management of NaTech risks will be approached from an industrial perspective, initially focusing on metropolitan and overseas France while considering regulatory developments

How Will It Work?

This working group will meet 7 to 10 times over 12 months.
Members will have the opportunity to share strategies they have already implemented and discuss unresolved or insufficiently addressed issues.
External experts will be invited to provide insights on selected topics, and a thematic workshop may be organized.
At the end of this initiative, an “Industrial Safety Report” (Cahier de la sécurité industrielle) will be published.


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Feel free to contact Caroline Kamaté, Program Manager.



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