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Safety practices and the digital transition

The digital transition implies changes in safety practices, particularly for accident prevention and analysis.  

What are the new auditing, certifiability and insurability practices in the age of the digital revolution? 

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New safety champions

New champions are emerging, leaders in both operational and safety performance.

They seem to use organizational criteria and governance principles that differ from those that are usually recommended.

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Visuel Compétences
Safety, skills and careers by 2040

In today’s fast-changing world, a key safety challenge is linked to skills in high-risk industries of the future. 

How can we respond to the quantitative and qualitative challenges of the current and future skills shortage?

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Dynamique participative
Risks & territory, Participatory dynamics

How can risk governance contribute to helping to address tensions between the various stakeholders in a given region in France and Europe, arising from the presence of potentially hazardous and polluting industries

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Rule-based & managed safety

‘Rule-based’ safety is based on anticipating situations that are likely to arise, and putting in place rules and resources to deal with them. ‘Managed safety’ refers to the reaction of competent people who are present in real time and who react appropriately. 

This analysis examines the balance between these two modes, based on compliance and proactivity.

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The relationship between regulators and regulatees

A relationship is built up over time between supervisory authorities and companies managing high-risk activities.  

This relationship makes a major contribution to safety, and ensures the effective management of industrial risks. It also plays a critical role in the social acceptability of these activities, and the development of trust in the governance of sites and activities at high risk of major accident. 

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